Tuesday, July 12, 2005

human imperfection

It was one of those days. Woke up wandering why on earth did my dear soul end up trapped inside this imperfect body capsule. Hadn’t slept 10 minutes in a row during the night and spent the whole day wishing I was like “Marsellrebelldesosa”, who seems to be able to sleep only 4 hours a night. At 9h30 as I was finally reaching my REM stage, the damn phone rang: a hysterical secretary trying to get me on time to a recruiting session – it wasn’t my turn, obviously. Got dressed and went to “the bunker”. Nobody around and I was just going to nap over the laptop when a colleague arrived and switched the lights on – “Good morning!” Yeah, and I hate you bastard. The phone strikes again and I have to deal with half an hour of consulting bullshit on a low-coverage area, while feeling the brain getting fried next to my ear. Tried to work a bit and here comes the phone again: quality auditing to my project. Not during the next two weeks, pleeease… Keeping my eyelids in a horizontal position and guess what, the fucking phone rings again. Bad news, this time: a friend’s father just died last night, while sleeping. A father who had that kind of unique relationship with his daughter, so it seemed. Not that old, I believe. A “special parent” so it used to be commented. And I get to that inner line of thought on “how to deal with dead” and “why do we have to sleep”. Human imperfection, that’s it.

copyright: vitriolica

1 comment:

polegar said...

there was a song, from the 90's, I think, that said: live while I'm alive, sleep when I'm dead. sometimes it's impossible to tell that to you body, am I right ;)