Tuesday, June 1, 2010

As regras do jogo

Ela não conhecia as regras, as regras daquele jogo de palavras juntas em frases bonitas. Ela tinha passado incólume pela idade dos amores, provavelmente sempre convicta do seu namoro. Ela não tinha vivido e sofrido o amor do início da idade adulta ou o do final da adolescência. Ela não sabia que a um “gosto de ti” se responde com amor sincero mesmo de palavras feitas. E eu quis ensinar-lhe tudo o que tinha aprendido, muito devagarinho. Mas afinal quem me mostrava o caminho era ela, porque sabia agradar-me como ninguém...

How I tried to catch you while
You ran ahead of me, I lassoed Mars
To see if you were hiding there
But you'd already ran past Jupiter to Pluto's moon
And my rope won't reach that moon

This a state of electrical shock
You were so beautiful
I thought you'd last forever
But you came and you went
When the lights went out
You went like you came
In a lightning bolt

Why did you go like this?
I slam against the wall
It's crushing my skull
Why did you go like this?
I slam against the wall
Of permanence, permanence

Why did you go like this?
I slam against the wall
It's crushing my skull
Why did you go like this?
I slam against the wall
Of permanence, permanence

And like a ghost
I'm spinning with you
In circles
The dance of Pluto's moon

1 comment:

Miúda-Mulher said...

Beijinho islandes :þ